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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

JUNE 2009

gao-09-817r.pdf       Federal Information Security SNAFU               June 30, 2009
usa-v-turner.htm      Hal Turner Death Threat Complaint and Arrest     June 30, 2009
ivins-email.htm       Bruce Ivins Anthrax Emails                       June 30, 2009
nih-secrets.htm       National Institute of Health Secret Meetings     June 29, 2009

ratb062909.htm        Recovery and Transparency Board Cloaks Itself    June 29, 2009
nasa062909.htm        Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array Mission    June 29, 2009
mcc062909.htm         Millennium Challenge Corp Foreign Bribery Report June 29, 2009
fhfa062909.htm        Golden Parachute and Indemnification Payments    June 29, 2009
usaid062609.htm       Anti-Terror Partner Vetting in USAID Funds       June 29, 2009

DTM-08-052.pdf        Reporting Questionable Spying Activities Guide   June 27, 2009
dodi-5145-01.pdf      General Counsel of the Department of Defense     June 27, 2009
cdc-flu-fuzz3.htm     CDC Fuzzes H1N1 Pandemic Reports 3               June 26, 2009
dhs092308.pdf         HomeSec Chertoff Touts Anthrax Emergency         June 26, 2009
gao-09-835t.pdf       DHS Cybersecurity SNAFU                          June 26, 2009   Cops v. Radicals FOUO                            June 25, 2009 (725KB)        Africa Command Overview 2                        June 25, 2009 (3.3MB)
gao-09-804t.pdf       DHS Nuke Detection SNAFU                         June 25, 2009
usa-disasters7.htm    Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters Part 7  June 25, 2009
dos062509.htm         Gifts to Feds From Foreign Governments 2008      June 25, 2009

dod062509.htm         Post-9/11 GI Bill                                June 25, 2009
hud062409.htm         Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure                June 24, 2009
nist062309.htm        Royalty-Free Licensing for AES S-box Apps        June 23, 2009
fra062309.htm         High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program      June 23, 2009
epa062309.htm         GE Vallecitos Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste   June 23, 2009

h1n1-16Je09.pdf       CDC Director's H1N1 Flue Update 16 June 09 FOUO  June 22, 2009
h1n1-05Je09.pdf       CDC Director's H1N1 Flue Update 5 June 09 FOUO   June 22, 2009
af-photo-war-03.htm   Afghanistan Photo War 3                          June 22, 2009
af-photo-war-02.htm   Afghanistan Photo War 2                          June 22, 2009
uscg062209.htm        Coast Guard Ups Outer Continental Shelf Security June 22, 2009

nhtsa062209.htm       Tire Fuel Efficiency Consumer Info Program       June 22, 2009
cryptome-videos.htm   Cryptome Videos                                  June 21, 2009
di-1812-1544-09.pdf   DIA on H1N1 Flu Threat to US Forces              June 21, 2009
iran-police.htm       Iran Protest and Police Photos                   June 20, 2009
cdc-flu-fuzz2.htm     CDC Fuzzes H1N1 Pandemic Reports 2               June 20, 2009

jenvey-hamza.htm      Glen Jenvey Says Hamza Case Falls Apart          June 19, 2009
usa-v-myers.htm       USA v. Walter Kendall Myers Court Files Update   June 19, 2009
nist061909.htm        Protocol for Lightweight Authentication of ID    June 19, 2009
fac061909.htm         Endless Drug Dealing Enemies ID'd                June 19, 2009
pn061809.htm          Obama Toots RU Weapons-Useable Fissile Material  June 19, 2009     Naval Intelligence Professional Qualification    June 18, 2009 (1.2MB)     Naval Intelligence Prof Qualification Programs   June 18, 2009 (780KB)    Tacoma Police HomeSec Meeting Minutes 2004-09    June 18, 2009 (10MB)
ncs-courses.htm       National Cryptologic School Course List          June 18, 2009
cdc-flu-fuzz.htm      CDC Fuzzes H1N1 Pandemic Reports                 June 18, 2009

dot061709.htm         Grants for Surface Transportation Infrastructure June 17, 2009
fhfa061709.htm        Fraudulent Housing Financial Instruments Reports June 17, 2009
usa-disasters6.htm    Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters Part 6  June 17, 2009
dod-dodi.htm          Some Restricted DoD Directives and Instructions  June 17, 2009
nist061609.htm        NIST-NSA Workshop on Access Management           June 16, 2009    US Intel Sharing with Iraq During Iran-Iraq War  June 15, 2009 (4.1MB)
cipac061509.htm       Vast Critical Infrastructure Gang Secret Meets   June 15, 2009
omb061509.htm         OMB Guidance for Drug-Free Workplace             June 15, 2009
treas061509.htm       TARP Standards for Compensation and Governance   June 15, 2009
don061509.htm         Navy Offers Gift of Ex-Warships                  June 15, 2009

dodi-1404-10.pdf      DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce             June 15, 2009
unite-ireland         Cryptome Video: NYC Unite Ireland Conference     June 14, 2009 (YouTube)
iran-protest.htm      Iran Protest Photos                              June 14, 2009
dodi-4715-18.pdf      DoD Emerging Contaminants                        June 13, 2009
nrc061209.htm         Aircraft Impacts for New Nuclear Power Reactors  June 12, 2009

joint-ind.doc         FBI DOE DOD and Improvised Nuclear Devices       June 11, 2009
dodd3150-5.pdf        DoD Response to Improvised Nuclear Devices 2004  June 11, 2009     Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention-Control   June 11, 2009 (3.6MB)             Handbook for Joint Firepower Application FOUO    June 11, 2009 (1MB)       Spymaster Functional Managers                    June 11, 2009 (550KB)

holywesternempire.htm James von Brunn Holy Western Empire Mirror       June 10, 2009
treas-tg165.htm       Interim Rule on TARP Compensation and Governance June 10, 2009      Navy Sex Offender Tracking                       June 10, 2009 (200KB)     Navy Nuclear Propulsion Plant Operators          June 10, 2009 (1MB)
treas-tg163.htm       Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Compensation  June 10, 2009

dhs-pork-nyc.pdf      DHS Security Pork for New York City FOUO         June 10, 2009
usa-v-montes.htm      USA v. Ana Montes Cuban Spying Case 2002         June 10, 2009      Protecting SCI Within IS Manual 2004 FOUO        June 10, 2009 (1.4MB)     CENTCOM Engagement with Emerging Media FOUO      June 10, 2009 (1.6MB)         Iraq Airlift Strategy/Operation/Tactics FOUO     June 10, 2009 (423KB)

nhtsa061009.htm       Motor Vehicle Theft Data 2007                    June 10, 2009
aphis061009.htm       Update of Noxious Weed Regulations               June 10, 2009         Illinois, Top Vote-Rigging State Election Plan   June 10, 2009 (2.6MB)
pp8387.htm            Obama Corrects LGBT Pride Proclamation           June 10, 2009
dhs-hyd-sul.pdf       DHS Warns of Hydrogen Sulfide Threat FOUO        June 9, 2009

nist060909.htm        FIPS 186-3 Digital Signature Standard Approved   June 9, 2009
nist060909-2.htm      RFC Smart Grid Interoperability Standards        June 9, 2009
dhs060909.htm         DHS Wants Members of InfoSec Panel               June 9, 2009
treas060909.htm       Registration of Mortgage Loan Originators        June 9, 2009
dbb060909.htm         National Security Personnel System Review        June 9, 2009

cpsc060909.htm        Labeling Amendment of Blasting Caps              June 9, 2009
hts-swine.htm         US Army Human Terrain System Like Swine Flu      June 8, 2009
cia-screws-gw.pdf     CIA Screws Grant Winthrop                        June 8, 2009
cia-screws-gw2.pdf    CIA Screws Grant Winthrop 2                      June 8, 2009
cia-screws-pb.pdf     CIA Screws Peter B.                              June 8, 2009

cia-screws-gb.pdf     CIA Screws Gary Berntsen                         June 8, 2009
cia-screws-doe.pdf    CIA Screws Doe                                   June 8, 2009
cia-screws-rp.pdf     CIA Screws Richard Pyle                          June 8, 2009
obama-protect10.htm   Obama Protection 10 Update                       June 6, 2009
dodi-5410-01.pdf      DoD Information on Accidents or Senior Personnel June 6, 2009    Alleged Cuban Spies Myers Indictment-Complaints  June 5, 2009 (3.5MB)
doj060509.htm         State Dept Official-Wife Arrested as Cuba Spies  June 5, 2009
nuke-sites.htm        US IAEA-Declared Nuclear Sites Eyeball           June 4, 2009    CIA Screws a Female NOC                          June 3, 2009 (3MB)        US Declares Nuclear Sites to the IAEA            June 1, 2009 (12MB)

gao-09-527r.pdf       Nuclear Forensics Human Capital Issues           June 1, 2009
belvoir-mb.htm        Fort Belvoir Missile Battery Eyeball Update      June 1, 2009
pm052709.htm          Obama Orders Review of Info Classification       June 1, 2009
treas-tg152.htm       Geithner: US and China Cooperating for Recovery  June 1, 2009
ftc060109.htm         Mortgage Acts and Practices                      June 1, 2009

ftc060109-2.htm       Mortgage Assistance Relief Services              June 1, 2009
bia060109.htm         Pueblo of San Ildefonso to Get Funds Way Late    June 1, 2009
niac060109.htm        National Infrastructure Advisory Council Names   June 1, 2009

O f f s i t e 

NSA Patent            Risk-modulated proactive data migration          June 23, 2009
MSM Bared             The Story of Deep Capture                        June 19, 2009  
Pinwale               E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress  June 17, 2009
Cyberwar              Privacy May Be a Victim in Cyberdefense Plan     June 13, 2009
FOI                   Declassified Government Documents                June 11, 2009

NSA Patent            Method of Signal Processing                      June 11, 2009
Whoa                  WH nixes Obama claim on gays in industry         June 10, 2009
Greed                 Why New York City Architecture Is So Ugly        June 10, 2009
Terror Inc            Sensitive but Unclassified US Megadeath Sites    June 1, 2009
RT                    MI6 tempts Richard Tomlinson back home           June 1, 2009

MAY 2009        DHS Emergency Radio Interoperability Guide       May 31, 2009 (752KB)
deepwater-fraud.pdf   Unsealed Complaint of USCG Deepwater Fraud       May 31, 2009

obama-nyc.htm         Obama Protection in New York City                May 30, 2009       Lance Nuclear Missile Handbook                   May 30, 2009 (2.4MB)       Transcendental Terrorism and Dirty Bombs         May 30, 2009 (200KB)
dod-5200-08-r.pdf     DoD Physical Security Program Change 1           May 30, 2009         USG Brief Against Suing Saudi Arabia for 911     May 29, 2009 (1.2MB)

cej-target.pdf        Carl Johnson Targeted in AUSA Murder Case        May 29, 2009      White House 60-Day Cyberspace Policy Review      May 29, 2009 (650KB)        Combatting Terrorism Tech Support Office 2008    May 29, 2009 (6MB)  Overview of Africa Command (FOUO)                May 29, 2009 (6MB)         Information Operations Primer                    May 29, 2009 (1.6MB)  How software tracks and correlates people        May 29, 2009 (2.5MB)
fac052809.htm         Darfur Sanctions Regulations                     May 28, 2009
fac052809-2.htm       Democratic Republic of the Congo Sanctions Regs  May 28, 2009
uscg052809.htm        Historic Goethals Bridge Threatened              May 28, 2009
cia-peary.htm         CIA Camp Peary Photos                            May 26, 2009

dorries-blog.htm      Nadine Dorries Removed Blog                      May 26, 2009
epa052609.htm         Vast Bloat of Renewable Fuel Standards           May 26, 2009 (1.9MB)
uscg052609.htm        Coast Guard Prepares to Repel Hollywood Attack   May 26, 2009
hhs052609.htm         Health Info Tech Panels Backscratch Howto        May 26, 2009 
dhs052609.htm         HomeSec Workshop on Privacy Slapstick            May 26, 2009

doc052609.htm         Lobbies Evade Silly Environmental Protection     May 25, 2009
ho-gifts.pdf          Gifts to Home Office Senior Civil Servants       May 24, 2009         Home Office Advice to Phorm on Criminality       May 24, 2009 (1.5MB)
usa-disasters5.htm    Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters Part 5  May 24, 2009         Asymmetric Warfare Along US-MX Border FOUO       May 23, 2009 (1MB)

cia-signals.htm       CIA Recognition Signals                          May 23, 2009
army-pta.htm          Army Personnel Testing Accounts FOUO             May 23, 2009
nro102308.htm         NRO Declassified Note on Mission Ground Stations May 23, 2009     IED Explosive Chemical Precursors                May 23, 2009 (203KB)         Iowa Summer Storms Damage Assessment             May 23, 2009 (1.1MB)

doj052209.htm         Google Joins Internet Identification Card Plot   May 22, 2009
doj052209-2.htm       National Warheads and Energetics Consortium      May 22, 2009
pm052009.htm          Obama Limits State Law Preemption by Feds        May 22, 2009
omb052109.htm         Max Gov Contract Exec Pay: Measly $684,181       May 21, 2009
pn051909.htm          Iraq Money Sucking Quagmire Continued            May 21, 2009

ostp052109.htm        Transparency and Open Government                 May 21, 2009
hhs052109.htm         CBRN Medical Countermeasures Workshop 2009       May 21, 2009
nps052109.htm         Minuteman Missile National Historic Site         May 21, 2009
ban-idols.htm         Bop Israel, Buy Iran: Ban Idolatry               May 20, 2009     9 HomeSec SciTech Panel Closed Meet Reports      May 20, 2009 (2.2MB)

eeoc052009.htm        Genetic Information Nondiscrimination in Jobs    May 20, 2009      Could UK Attack of 7/7 Have Been Prevented?      May 19, 2009 (1.2MB)
perab051909.htm       Prez’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board Meet     May 18, 2009
doe051809.htm         Energy Dept Ups Contract Security Regulations    May 18, 2009
fema051809.htm        Nuclear Plants Radiological Emergency Manual     May 18, 2009

nrc051809.htm         Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regs      May 18, 2009
nrc051809-2.htm       Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants      May 18, 2009
fac051809.htm         Terrorist States: 2 or 3 Now Good, 4 or 6 Bad    May 18, 2009
dos051809.htm         Greek Terrorists: Two Now Good, One Bad          May 18, 2009
obama-protect9.htm    Obama Protection 9                               May 17, 2009

usa-disasters4.htm    Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters Part 4  May 17, 2009
nara051509.htm        Nixon Tapes Release                              May 15, 2009
dod051509.htm         War Lovers Meets                                 May 15, 2009
don051509.htm         New TRIDENT Submarine Facility                   May 15, 2009
secure-cities.htm     Secure Cities Website Launched                   May 14, 2009

occ051409.htm         Identity Theft Red Flags of Credit Transactions  May 14, 2009
faa051409.htm         FAA Alcohol and Drug Testing Program             May 14, 2009
fcc051409.htm         Spectrum for Advanced Medical Technologies       May 14, 2009
nist051309.htm        NIST Smart Electric Grid Roadmap Workshop        May 13, 2009        Classified Arms Export to AU                     May 13, 2009 (550KB)

af-photo-war-01.htm   Afghanistan Photo War 1                          May 12, 2009
usa-disasters3.htm    Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters Part 3  May 12, 2009
hhs051209.htm         HHS Teleconference on Swine Flu Outbreak         May 12, 2009                  
fincen051209.htm      FINCEN Redefines Money Services Businesses       May 12, 2009
nhtsa051209.htm       Vehicle Standards for Roof Crush Resistance      May 12, 2009

hud051209.htm         HUD Offers $1 Billion in Stimulus Handouts       May 12, 2009
belvoir-mb.htm        Fort Belvoir Missile Battery Eyeball             May 11, 2009
dni051109.htm         Master Spy Seeks Spy Ancestry and Ethnicity Data May 10, 2009
gao-09-660r.htm       Statutory Authorities to Prohibit IG Activities  May 8, 2009
hts-ayala.htm         USA v Don Ayala: HTS, Army Leaders on Trial Too  May 8, 2009

wikileaks-note.htm    Wikileaks Note                                   May 8, 2009
uk-torture.htm        UK Complicity in Torture of Binyam Mohamed       May 8, 2009       NCTC 2008 Report on Terrorism                    May 8, 2009 (423KB)
SCAPresults.pdf       Supervisory Capital Assessment Program Results   May 7, 2009             Study of AIPAC Manipulation of US Policy         May 7, 2009 (1.2MB)

pm050509.htm          Obama on Biofuels and Rural Economic Development May 7, 2009         EPA on Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives    May 7, 2009 (2.3MB)
jbell-042909.htm      Jim Bell Demands Right to File Patents           May 6, 2009       Allegations Involving DoD PA Outreach Program    May 6, 2009 (11MB)        Military Police Spy Operations FOUO              May 5, 2009 (1.5MB)

frs050509.htm         Federal Reserve on Truth in Lending              May 5, 2009
frs050509-2.htm       Federal Reserve on Unfair or Deceptive Practices May 5, 2009
dhs050509.htm         DHS Privacy Impact Assessments                   May 5, 2009
nih050509.htm         Master Plan for Rocky Mountain Laboratories      May 5, 2009
mms050509.htm         Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf EISs      May 5, 2009

hhs050509.htm         National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program     May 5, 2009
nsf050509.htm         NSF Cyberinfrastructure Meeting                  May 5, 2009
dod050509.htm         Payments Under Fixed-Price A-E Contracts         May 5, 2009
finger-sigint.htm     Finger Sigint                                    May 4, 2009
usa-disasters.htm     Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters         May 3, 2009       DHS Domestic Extremism Lexicon FOUO              May 3, 2009
dodi-8220-02.pdf      DoD Info and Communications for Disaster Relief  May 2, 2009
perab050509.htm       President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board     May 1, 2009
hhs050109.htm         Strengthening the Biosecurity of the US Meet     May 1, 2009
nrc050109.htm         Physical Protection of Nuclear Plant Byproducts  May 1, 2009

O f f s i t e 

Buy Spy               2009 Consumer's Guide to US Spying               May 28, 2009 (12MB)
Gobs                  Navy Public Affairs Directory - Sensitive        May 28, 2009
BB Sec                CAN-US Security-Enhanced BlackBerry Trial        May 26, 2009
GSM Spy               Israeli GSM Interceptor with Decipher            May 26, 2009

Death Ray             Declassified Energy Research Stirs Mad Science   May 26, 2009
UKUSA Spy             Nicky Hager's Secret Power Now Online and Free   May 25, 2009
Maqsood               How a Rat Boosted Terrorism Panic                May 23, 2009
nstac pubs            NatSec Telecomms Panel Publications              May 23, 2009
H1N1                  CDC Swine Flu Report 20 May 2009 FOUO            May 21, 2009

CIA Tab               CIA Table of Congress Briefs on Torture FOUO     May 21, 2009
Blowhards             Harman-Panetta's Dumb-Dumber Formulaic Speeches  May 20, 2009
Robot Kill            Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Market 2009-2019  May 20, 2009
Eye Spit              When Famous, You Get to Make Stuff Up            May 17, 2009
NSA on PRC            COMINT on PRC Intervention in the Korean War     May 15, 2009

NSA Patent            Fabricating a Patterned Device                   May 15, 2009
MI Pete               MI5's Peter Wright                               May 14, 2009
AE Pry                Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth          May 14, 2009                   
GraphicHand           Operation GRAPHIC HAND Declassified              May 12, 2009
Statebook             How the State Can Spy on Your Private Life       May 10, 2009

MarWar                Planning for Maritime Terrorism at LA-LB Port    May 9, 2009
Bio-fear              Tara O’Toole Is A Most Catastrophic Nomination   May 7, 2009
Genius                Battle to Save Nikola Tesla Laboratory           May 5, 2009
CWTN                  Sibel Edmonds on Congress, We Trust Not          May 5, 2009
No Way                GCHQ Denies Scheme to Master the Internet        May 4, 2009

SHR                   Sit Home and Rot                                 May 3, 2009
Gobble                HMG Scheme to Master the Internet                May 3, 2009
Googley               Google Blogger’s FTP Publishing Collapse         May 2, 2009
Peepers               Photo Tourism along the North Korean Border      May 1, 2009
Squats                Secret Database of Israeli Settlements           May 1, 2009

APRIL 2009

hsinac.htm            HomeSec Information Network Panel Minutes        April 30, 2009

obama-protect8.htm    Obama Protection 8                               April 30, 2009
uscg043009.htm        Security Zone Freeport TX Channel and LNG Basin  April 30, 2009
dos043009.htm         2009 Revised Exchange Visitor Skills List        April 30, 2009
fta043009.htm         Transit Supplemental FY 2009 Funding             April 30, 2009
epa043009.htm         Exemption From the Phaseout of Methyl Bromide    April 30, 2009

treas-tg111.htm       Report of Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee  April 29, 2009
treas-tg110.htm       Treasury May 2009 Quarterly Refunding Statement  April 29, 2009
nsa042109.htm         NSA Director Strokes RSA Conference              April 29, 2009
uscg042909.htm        Coast Guard Warns of Air Show Crash Threat Today April 29, 2009
hhs042909.htm         Health Information Technology Panels             April 29, 2009

bis042909.htm         BIS Adds PRC Export End Users and Items          April 29, 2009
fs042909.htm          Regulations of Securities Held in TreasuryDirect April 29, 2009
dodi-5105-58.pdf      Measurement and Signature Intelligence           April 28, 2009
uscg042809.htm        LNG and LHG Waterfront Facility Requirements     April 28, 2009          Flu Care Booklet                                 April 28, 2009 (900KB)      2008 Wiretap Report                              April 27, 2009 (1.5MB)
hhs042709.htm         How to Render Protected Health Info Unusable     April 27, 2009
treas042709.htm       Special IG for Troubled Asset Relief Program     April 27, 2009
cia-hayden.htm        CIA Director Hayden on Detainee Interrogation    April 26, 2009
cia-truth.htm         CIA on "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation            April 26, 2009

cia-suspects.htm      CIA on Interrogation of Suspects Under Arrest    April 26, 2009
cia-hypnosis.htm      CIA on Hypnosis in Interrogation                 April 26, 2009
cia-reflex.htm        CIA on Communist Interrogation Methods           April 26, 2009
mkultra-0002.htm      CIA Requests Interrogation Techniques            May 15, 2001
ntia042409.htm        Assessment of ICANN Performance                  April 24, 2009

nrc042409.htm         USEC Centrifuge Lead Uranium Cascade Facility    April 24, 2009
pra-sere.htm          Personnel Recovery Academy SERE Training Eyeball April 23, 2009
omb042309.htm         OMB Standards for Government Handouts            April 23, 2009
nih042309.htm         Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research          April 23, 2009
ostp042309.htm        RFC Prez Memo on Scientific Integrity            April 23, 2009

cbp042309.htm         Customs Expansion of Global Entry Pilot Program  April 23, 2009
noaa042309.htm        List of National System Marine Protected Areas   April 23, 2009
va042309.htm          VA Tweaks Posttraumatic Stress Disorder          April 23, 2009
ps042309.htm          Postal International Product and Price Changes   April 23, 2009
gao-09-620t.pdf       Coast Guard Deepwater Program in Deep Doodoo     April 22, 2009

opnav-5513-2c.pdf     Navy Air Warfare Systems Classification Guides   April 22, 2009       Senate Report on Detainee Abuse                  April 22, 2009 (14.7MB)
ftc042209.htm         Prohibitions on Energy Market Manipulation       April 22, 2009
ferc042209.htm        Small Hydroelectric Plant Faces Gov Shutdown     April 22, 2009
fac042109.htm         Iranian Firms Blacklisted for Alleged WMD        April 22, 2009

ftc042109.htm         Door to Door Crap Cooling Off Period             April 22, 2009
treas042109.htm       Terrorism Risk Insurance Bailout Reauthorization April 22, 2009
spy-right.pdf         Spying Right Wing Extremism FOUO                 April 21, 2009
obama-cia2.htm        Obama Remarks at CIA HQ                          April 21, 2009
obama-cia.htm         Obama Protection at CIA HQ                       April 20, 2009

ftc042009.htm         Health Breach Notification Rule                  April 20, 2009
frs042009.htm         Federal Open Market Domestic Policy Directive    April 20, 2009
dvdcca042009.htm      DVD Copy Control Assoc Rats Jumping Ship         April 20, 2009
va033109.htm          Post-9/11 GI Bill Updated                        April 20, 2009
obama-protect7.htm    Obama Protection 7                               April 19, 2009

dodd-3002-01e.pdf     Personnel Recovery in the Department of Defense  April 18, 2009     Afghanistan Order of Battle 2007 FOUO            April 18, 2009 (907KB)
seal-team-6.htm       SEAL Team VI (DEVGRU) Eyeball                    April 17, 2009
nist041709.htm        AES S-box Circuits Invention License             April 17, 2009
wmd-natural.htm       Weapons of Natural Disasters                     April 17, 2009

nrc041709.htm         Protection of Nuclear Byproduct Material         April 17, 2009
nrc041709-2.htm       Added Security for Nuclear Plant Spent Fuel      April 17, 2009
dod041709.htm         Nuclear Megadeath Panel Secret Meet              April 17, 2009
dhs041709.htm         Government 2.0: Privacy and Best Practices       April 17, 2009   Office of Legal Counsel CIA Torture Memos        April 16, 2009 (13.5MB)

opnav-2201-3b.pdf     Navy Comsec Monitoring                           April 16, 2009
cia-pl-flights.htm    Details of 'Covered Up' CIA Flights to Poland    April 16, 2009
cia-pl-spies.htm      CIA Assigned Polish Spies for Its Use in 2002    April 16, 2009
anmcc.htm             Alternate National Military Command Center       April 15, 2009    Afghanistan Terrain Analysis FOUO                April 15, 2009 (2.4MB)        Special Forces Sniper Training and Employment    April 15, 2009 (17.6MB)
opnav-3352-1.pdf      Electro-Muscular Incapacitation Devices (TASER)  April 14, 2009
postal041409.htm      Express Mail Refunds for Live Animal Shipment    April 14, 2009
dod041209.htm         DoD Briefing on Richard Phillips Rescue          April 13, 2009
fac041309.htm         WMD Proliferators Sanctions Regulations          April 13, 2009

eo13507.htm           Obama Sets White House Office of Health Reform   April 13, 2009
uscn041309.htm        China's Propaganda and Spying Operations in US   April 13, 2009
pope-plot.htm         Attempted Assassination of Pope John Paul II     April 11, 2009
kurd-kill.htm         Kurdish Protestors Assaulted and Killed by Cops  April 10, 2009 
istac041009.htm       Information Systems Panel Semi-Secret Meet       April 10, 2009

fnp041009.htm         Faith-Based-Neighborhood Partnerships Council    April 10, 2009
prc041009.htm         Postal Complaints and Rate and Service Inquiries April 10, 2009
bob-peep.htm          UK Anti-Terror Chief Bares Secret Document       April 9, 2009
afghan-win.htm        Winning in Afghanistan                           April 9, 2009
treas040909.htm       Treasury Debt Management Secret Meet             April 9, 2009

fbi-ruemb.htm         FBI Spy House Eyes Russian Embassy               April 9, 2009
nrc040909.htm         GE-Hitachi Global Laser Uranium Enrichment Plant April 9, 2009
dol040909.htm         Colorado, Maryland, Texas 2nd Tier Jobless EUC08 April 9, 2009
dod040809.htm         Threat Reduction Advisory Committee Secret Meet  April 8, 2009
faa040809.htm         Boeing Model 747-8/-8F Airplane Novel Hazards    April 8, 2009

obama-protect6.htm    Obama Protection 6 in Europe                     April 7, 2009
protest-cops.htm      Protest Cops                                     April 7, 2009
hhs040709.htm         Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Guidance   April 7, 2009
sec040709.htm         Interactive Data To Improve Financial Reporting  April 7, 2009
dos040709.htm         Iraq Filmmaking and Museum Residencies Grants    April 7, 2009

nps040709.htm         Governors Island National Monument Plan and EIS  April 7, 2009
dod040609.htm         Strategic Warmaking Secret Meet                  April 6, 2009
dea040609.htm         Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008  April 6, 2009
fda040609.htm         Pharm Cheating Combat Meet                       April 6, 2009
pp8354-55-56.htm      Obama: Cancer, Child Protection, Donate a Life   April 6, 2009

killing-game.htm      Soldier Modernization Market 2009-2019           April 5, 2009
paterson-np.htm       Paterson Great Falls National Historic Park      April 3, 2009
gsa040309.htm         HomeSec to Get Giant New Home                    April 3, 2009
fema040309.htm        FEMA Reorganization                              April 3, 2009
nrc040309.htm         Navy Hypervelocity Gun Facility                  April 3, 2009

white-black.htm       White House Black White Box                      April 3, 2009    Navy Protection of CNO Classified Information    April 2, 2009 (6.4MB)
secnav-5510-30b.pdf   Navy Personnel Security Program                  April 2, 2009
spy-faults.htm        Masterspy IG Report Faults US Spy Agencies       April 2, 2009
hts-toxic.htm         HTS Toxic at Headquarters and in Bagram          April 2, 2009

O f f s i t e 

Lipstick              Did MI6 Lose Top Secret Narco Memory Stick       April 29, 2009
Debt Sec              2009 Industrial Security Clearance Decisions     April 29, 2009

CoA                   Commission on Accountability                     April 24, 2009
TFR                   The Falling Rain                                 April 23, 2009
Spot Int              Freckles Prove Child Abuse                       April 23, 2009
PL                    Peter Leitner: Pirates, Shariah and DHS Report   April 23, 2009
NADC                  North America Drilling Corporation               April 23, 2009

Spy Info              Senate Hearing on Sharing Spying Information     April 22, 2009
Do It                 Guide to Protesting                              April 21, 2009
Sign It               ACLU Petition for CIA Torture Special Prosecutor April 20, 2009
EInt                  Earth Intelligence Network                       April 19, 2009
Odd                   The Strange Death of Robert Maxwell              April 17, 2009

IRS                   Internal Revenue Boogie                          April 15, 2009
GS666                 Goldman Sachs Threatens Blogger                  April 14, 2009
Vet Fear              Returning Veterans a Threat to National Security April 14, 2009
Tweet                 Sibel Edmonds Whistleblows Poppy Biz             April 14, 2009
SSC                   Second City Cop                                  April 11, 2009

NRO TS                NRO Employee Colloquia Top Secret                April 11, 2009
Jack                  JFK Assassination                                April 11, 2009
VD                    Voodoo Reporting                                 April 11, 2009
ISR Biz               ISR Spy Business Opportunities                   April 9, 2009
SecNet                Harris SecNet 54 Encryption Device NSA-Cert      April 9, 2009

Shred                 Hard Drive, Laptop, and Cel Phone Shredder       April 9, 2009
I-Pod                 Israeli Dimona Nuclear Facility in 3D Video      April 5, 2009
Gas Guz               Obama Limousine Back and Forth at 10 Downing     April 5, 2009
HoCoWo                How Cold War Was Won                             April 4, 2009
Fart                  New York Times Conficker Woopie Cushion          April 2, 2009

MARCH 2009

va033109.htm          Post-9/11 GI Bill                                March 31, 2009
va033109-2.htm        Posttraumatic Stress Disorder                    March 31, 2009

nist033109.htm        Technology Innovation Program Funds and Meet     March 31, 2009    Afghan Suicide Bombings FOUO                     March 30, 2009 (1.7MB)          Submarines Emerging Threat in Drug Wars FOUO     March 30, 2009 (802KB)
gao-fraudnet.htm      GAO Seeks Public Help Fighting Stimulus Fraud    March 30, 2009          Tracking GhostNet Cyber Espionage Network        March 29, 2009 (5.1MB) Afghanistan Insurgent Terrorist Groups FOUO      March 28, 2009 (3.5MB)
dodd-3020-49.pdf      Contingency Operations Acquisitions              March 28, 2009
dni032609.htm         US Spymaster Media Roundtable                    March 27, 2009
nrc032709.htm         Nuclear Power Reactor Security Requirements      March 27, 2009
occ032709.htm         Risk-Based Capital for Money Market Mutual Funds March 27, 2009

uscg032709.htm        Coast Guard Security Zone Freeport LNG Basin     March 27, 2009
uscg032709-2.htm      TWIC Reader Requirements                         March 27, 2009
doe032709.htm         Testing Battery Chargers-External Power Supplies March 27, 2009
treas-tg72.htm        Treasury Outlines Regulatory Reform              March 26, 2009       FM 2.01 ISR Synchronization Draft FOUO           March 26, 2009 (2.1MB)

fm-2-01-memo.pdf      FM 2.01 ISR Synchronization Draft Memo           March 26, 2009
london-gas-01.htm     London Gas Works Eyeball 1                       March 26, 2009
tide-2009.htm         Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment 2009   March 26, 2009
ferc032609.htm        Smart Electrical Grid Policy                     March 26, 2009
buscetta.pdf          Tommaso Buscetta Murdered                        March 25, 2009      Field Manual 2.0 Intelligence FOUO               March 25, 2009 (2.2MB)       OEF Aviation Operations Evaluation FOUO          March 25, 2009      Afghan Enemy Description FOUO                    March 25, 2009 (1MB)
opnav-3870-6.pdf      Naval Intelligence Qualification Requirements    March 25, 2009
gao-09-462t.pdf       GAO: Oversight of the USCG Deepwater Program     March 25, 2009       Afghan Cultural Field Guide                      March 25, 2009   Afghan Red Team Continuity                       March 25, 2009
afghan-reading.pdf    Flag Officer Afghan Reading List                 March 25, 2009  Afghan Country Brief 2007 2                      March 25, 2009 (28MB)  Afghan Country Brief 2007 1                      March 25, 2009 (1.9MB)

binyam-mohamed.htm    British court releases confidential material     March 23, 2009
military-biz.htm      Pentagon and Military Contractors Protests       March 23, 2009
nrc032309.htm         NRC Warns of Insider Threat to Nuclear Plants    March 23, 2009
treas-tg65.htm        Treasury Public Private Toxic Investment         March 23, 2009
frs032309.htm         Federal Reserve Capital Adequacy Guidelines      March 23, 2009

fdic032309.htm        FDIC Amends Temporary Liquidity Guarantee        March 23, 2009
cftc032309.htm        Price Discovery Contracts on Exempt Comm Markets March 23, 2009
fcsc032309.htm        DoJ Sets Commencement of Claims Against Libya    March 23, 2009
ntic032309.htm        Publication of 2009 Export Administration Regs   March 23, 2009     DCID 6/3 SCIF Manual Updated 2004 FOUO           March 22, 2009 (1.4MB)

exord-103-09.pdf      Army Suicide Prevention FOUO                     March 22, 2009
iw-outbrief.pdf       Special Ops Irregular Warfare Outbrief FOUO      March 22, 2009
vehicle-safety.pdf    Safety Technologies in Tactical Vehicles FOUO    March 22, 2009             Counter-IED Training FOUO                        March 22, 2009               US Army Wounded Warrior Program FOUO             March 22, 2009 (1.7MB)

comm-i-conops.pdf     MNF Communication Integrators CONOPS FOUO        March 22, 2009
nsa-rekey.pdf         NSA: Rekey STU-III and STE Terminals FOUO        March 22, 2009
dss-siprnet.pdf       DSS Secret Internet Protocol Router Network      March 22, 2009
dodi-5400-04.pdf      DoD Provision of Information to Congress         March 22, 2009
dodi-6420-01.pdf      National Center for Medical Intelligence         March 22, 2009

ve-mil-air.htm        Venezuela Military Air Bases and Airports        March 21, 2009
obama-protect5.htm    Obama Protection 5                               March 19, 2009
cu-mil-air.htm        Cuba Military Air Bases and Airports Eyeball     March 19, 2009
sec-v-madoff.htm      SEC-USA-et al v. Madoff Court Filings Update     March 19, 2009
dni031809.htm         Spymaster Sets Legal Procedures                  March 18, 2009

dhs031809.htm         HomeSec Bars Felons for Guard Contracts          March 18, 2009
cia-darkside.htm      CIA Spymaster Sets Dark Side Review Group        March 17, 2009
dos031709.htm         Western Hemisphere Travel Card Architecture      March 17, 2009        Special Ops Hunting Murder Targets               March 16, 2009 (2.8MB)
us-targeted-kill.pdf  US Targeted Murder 1                             March 16, 2009

us-targeted-kill2.pdf US Targeted Murder 2                             March 16, 2009
il-targeted-kill.pdf  Israel Targeted Murder                           March 16, 2009
DTM-08-039.pdf        Commercial Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks   March 14, 2009     Nimrod MR Mk2 General Condition Survey Report    March 13, 2009 (3.8MB)
secnav-3052-2.pdf     Navy Cyberspace Policy                           March 13, 2009

secnav-12900-2.pdf    Navy Civilian Intelligence Personnel             March 13, 2009      Virgina 2009 Terrorism Assessment LE Sensitive   March 13, 2009 (3.4MB)
nrc031309.htm         Radiation Dose Standard After 10,000 Years       March 13, 2009
nsabb031309.htm       Personnel Reliability for Select Bio-Agents      March 13, 2009
sec031209.htm         RFC Central Clearing of Credit Default Swaps     March 12, 2009

ntia031209.htm        Broadband Technology Opportunities Program       March 12, 2009
nrc031209.htm         Comms for Protection of Nuke Safeguards Info     March 12, 2009
eo13505.htm           Obama on Stem Cell Research                      March 11, 2009
pm030909.htm          Obama on Scientific Integrity                    March 11, 2009
pm030909-2.htm        Obama on Presidential Signing Statements         March 11, 2009

cpsc031109.htm        Children's Products Containing Lead              March 11, 2009
epa031009.htm         2009 Draft U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report  March 10, 2009
occ030909.htm         Confidentiality of Suspicious Activity Reports 1 March 9, 2009
ots030909.htm         Confidentiality of Suspicious Activity Reports 2 March 9, 2009
fincen030909.htm      Confidentiality of Suspicious Activity Reports 3 March 9, 2009

co030909.htm          Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems    March 9, 2009
uscg030909.htm        Coast Guard Airborne Use of Force Training       March 9, 2009
nk-mil-air.htm        North Korea Military Air Bases Eyeball           March 8, 2009
cn-mil-air2.htm       People's Republic of China Military Air Bases 2  March 7, 2009
cn-bases.htm          People's Republic of China Airports and Bases    March 7, 2009

dodi-3020-48.pdf      Maritime Operational Threat Response             March 7, 2009
ir-300-spies.htm      300 Iranian Spies Named                          March 6, 2009
warboytoys.pdf        Defense University War Boy Toys Winners          March 6, 2009
cia-exculpa.htm       CIA Spymaster on Torture Exculpation             March 6, 2009
dni-datamine.htm      Spymaster Data Mining Report 2009                March 6, 2009        Eminent Jurists Report on Human Rights Haters    March 6, 2009 (1.8MB)
pm030409.htm          Obama Orders Government Contracting Crime Halted March 6, 2009
aphis030609.htm       Biological Control Agent for Arundo donax        March 6, 2009
uscg030609.htm        Coast Guard Sets Security Zone San Juan PR       March 6, 2009
fns030609.htm         Food Help for Women, Infants and Children        March 6, 2009

census030609.htm      Census Community Survey 5-Year Data Products     March 6, 2009
cdfif030609.htm       RFC Capital Magnet Fund                          March 6, 2009
us-cn030609.htm       US-China Economic and Security Review Commission March 6, 2009
fta030509.htm         ARRA Transit Projects Boondoggle Funding         March 5, 2009     Naval SciTech Intelligence Research Liaison      March 5, 2009 (3MB)     Threat Support to Weapon and InfoTech Systems    March 5, 2009 (4MB)     NATOPS General Flight and Operation Instructions March 5, 2009 (3.3MB)     Airspace Procedures and Planning Manual          March 5, 2009 (4.5MB)
opnav-3750-6r.pdf     Naval Aviation Safety Program                    March 5, 2009 (1.3MB)
omagh-doc.htm         Omagh Bombing Court Document                     March 4, 2009

obama-protect4.htm    Obama Protection 4                               March 3, 2009
frs030309.htm         Federal Reserve Domestic Policy Directive        March 3, 2009       
tw-bases.htm          Taiwan Airports and Air Bases                    March 2, 2009
eeoc030209.htm        Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Regulation March 2, 2009
nsf030209.htm         RFI National Cyber Leap Year                     March 2, 2009

cn-mil-air1.htm       People's Republic of China Military Air Bases 1  March 2, 2009
treas-tg44.htm        Treasury Restructures AIG Bailout                March 2, 2009
al-haramain.htm       Al-Haramain v. NSA State Secrets                 March 1, 2009
merkel-spy.htm        Is Chancellor Angela Merkel An Ex-Commie Spy?    March 1, 2009
dodi-5205-10.pdf      DoD Treaty Inspection Readiness Program          March 1, 2009

O f f s i t e 

Hovel                 Homelessness Prevention Fund                     March 31, 2009

Ghosts                Obama's Phantom Bills                            March 30, 2009
Rain Fire             Israel’s Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza         March 30, 2009
RU Al                 Russian Spies Target Monaco Prince Albert        March 29, 2009
GAP Opt               Google Advertising and Privacy Opt-Out           March 28, 2009
Sicko                 Predatory Bioterror Defense Industry             March 28, 2009

Tritium               Shift of Nuclear Weapons Tritium Work            March 28, 2009
NGRC BO               Next-Generation Radio Communications Biz Ops     March 26, 2009
Kid Con 2             Police raid home of domain owner    March 25, 2009
Kid Con 1             FBI fakes hyperlinks to trap kid porn suspects   March 25, 2009
DIED                  Defeating IEDs Opportunities                     March 19, 2009

NSA Patent            Generating Crypto Key Using Elliptic Curve       March 19, 2009
6+                    UK's Soviet Mole No. 6 and More                  March 19, 2009
5-                    Dame Rimington Pods                              March 19, 2009
Black Nam             CIA Releases Six Histories on Vietnam            March 13, 2009
Patent                Lead-free Primary Explosive                      March 13, 2009

JSOC                  Sy Hersh: DoD Murder Operations                  March 12, 2009
Bug                   Was Omagh bomb car bugged by security services?  March 10, 2009
Pry                   IRS Investigative Materials Publication          March 10, 2009
ISC                   UK Annual Report on Its Spies                    March 7, 2009
CLR                   2007 Circumvention Landscape Report              March 5, 2009

Bads                  Internet Privacy Threat from Ads                 March 5, 2009
U Kill                Build Your Own World-Class Drone Murder Network  March 4, 2009
Bud                   LAT: CIA owned Milosevic's intel chief           March 4, 2009
SSD                   EFF Publishes Surveillance Self-Defense          March 3, 2009
P2P                   Marine One Docs Grabbed by File Sharing          March 1, 2009

WMD                   Iran Nuke Threat Assayed                         March 1, 2009
BP                    Obama Limo Gets Gassed                           March 1, 2009
LNG                   Coast Guard on LNG Terminal Requirements         March 1, 2009
WII                   War Is Illegal Dot Org                           March 1, 2009
Wag                   Ex-Head of MI5 Tells Tales                       March 1, 2009


ncix022409.htm        National Master Counterspy on Information Hiding February 27, 2009          Enhancing Security of Plum Island BioLab FOUO    February 27, 2009 (51p, 7.6MB)
fhfa022709.htm        FHFA Study of Securitization of Acquired Members February 27, 2009
fcc022709.htm         Broadband Initiatives Meet                       February 27, 2009

hts-tarnish.htm       Death Threat Tarnishes Army Human Terrain System February 26, 2009
obama-protect3.htm    Obama Protection 3                               February 25, 2009
eta022509.htm         Emergency Unemployment Compensation              February 25, 2009
gao022509.htm         Health Information Technology Panel Nomination   February 25, 2009
dos022509.htm         US-Jordan Environmental Forum                    February 25, 2009

aipac-win.htm         Appeals Court Rules for AIPAC Spies              February 25, 2009
wikileaks-aid.htm     Wikileaks Requests Support Now                   February 24, 2009
eo13503.htm           Obama Orders Urban Affairs Office                February 24, 2009
gitmo-briefing.htm    DoD Briefing on Guantanamo Prison Review         February 23, 2009
manas-base.htm        Manas Air Base, Kyrgyzstan Eyeball               February 23, 2009

obama-cia.htm         Obama and CIA                                    February 21, 2009
obama-trilat.htm      Obama's Trilateral Connection                    February 21, 2009
af-bases.htm          Afghanistan Airports and Bases Eyeball           February 21, 2009
pk-bases.htm          Pakistan 85 Airports and Bases Eyeball           February 21, 2009
faa022009.htm         FAA Warning on Bombardier Aircraft Controls      February 20, 2009

vp-spymaster.htm      VP Biden Swears In Panetta as CIA Spymaster      February 20, 2009
ubs-indict.pdf        UBS Indictment                                   February 20, 2009
treas-tg33.htm        Homeowner Lenders Bailout Plan                   February 18, 2009
tsa-rail-sec.pdf      TSA Surface Transportation Security Inspection   February 18, 2007
predator-pk.htm       Predator Base in Pakistan Eyeball                February 18, 2009

fec021709.htm         FEC Deeper Embeds Vampire Lobbyists              February 18, 2009
hts-mystic.htm        Mystical Realm of Human Terrain System and COIN  February 17, 2009
ustr021709.htm        WTO Dispute Settlement Regarding China           February 16, 2009
hr1-vote-01.htm       Stimulus Package Text and Votes                  February 15, 2009
marilyn-anus.htm      Marilyn, Illuminati, Father of Our Country       February 14, 2009

don-soviet-spy.htm    Navy Releases Soviet Spy Dossier                 February 14, 2009
panetta-home.htm      CIA Master Spy Residential Eyeball               February 13, 2009
hentoff.htm           Clear and Roving Danger of Wiretaps              February 13, 2009
secnav-5000-38.pdf    Oversight of Navy Military Intelligence Program  February 13, 2009
uscg021309.htm        New York Marine Safety and Security Zones        February 13, 2009

dni021209.pdf         US Spymaster Annual Threat Assessment 2009       February 12, 2009            House Recovery and Reinvestment Bill             February 12, 2009 (4MB)           Senate Recovery and Reinvestment Bill Amendment  February 12, 2009 (1MB)
hts-bailout.htm       HTS Bailout, Managers Laugh On Way to Bank       February 11, 2009
treas-tg18.htm        Treasury Bank Bailout Plan 2                     February 11, 2009

eo13499-502.htm       Obama Orders 13499, 13500, 13501, 13502          February 11, 2009
uscg021109.htm        Coast Guard SecZone for Naval Base Point Loma    February 11, 2009
blair-home.htm        US Master Spy Residential Eyeball                February 10, 2009
af021009.htm          RFI Delivery of Military Capabilities via Space  February 10, 2009
fda021009.htm         Food Protection from Bioterrorism Workshop       February 10, 2009

sec021009.htm         SEC Requires Interactive Data for Investors      February 10, 2009
eo13498.htm           Obama Orders Faith-Based Policy                  February 9, 2009
pm020509.htm          Obama Orders Appliance Efficiency Standards      February 9, 2009
wny-mb.htm            Washington Naval Yard Missile Battery Eyeball    February 8, 2009
carderock-mb.htm      Carderock DC-Area Missile Battery Eyeball        February 8, 2009

usa-v-levan.htm       USA v. Steven Levan Ex-CIA Credit Card Thief     February 6, 2009
obamas-david.htm      Obamas to Camp David First Time                  February 6, 2009
secnav-3052-1.pdf     Navy Maritime Domain Awareness                   February 5, 2009
treas-tg15.htm        Treasury Restrictions On Executive Compensation  February 5, 2009
madoff-vics.htm       Madoff Victims Lists                             February 5, 2009

pbsacl.htm            President's Civil Liberties Board Zipped Lips    February 5, 2009
pcftf.htm             President's Corporate Fraud Task Force Asleep    February 5, 2009           Spies to Write for Maximum Utility               February 4, 2009
opnavin-5450-221d.pdf Naval Special Warfare Mission and Functions 2009 February 4, 2009
opnavin-5450-221c.pdf Naval Special Warfare Mission and Functions 1995 February 4, 2009

af1-anti-missile.htm  AF-1 Hangar Anti-Missile Battery Eyeball         February 4, 2009
hmx1-anti-missile.htm HMX-1 Hangar Anti-Missile Battery Eyeball        February 4, 2009
treas-tg11.htm        Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee Minutes    February 4, 2009
treas-tg10.htm        Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee Report 10  February 4, 2009
treas-tg09.htm        Treasury Quarterly Refunding Statement Feb 2009  February 4, 2009

eo13494.htm           Obama: Economy in Government Contracting         February 4, 2009
eo13495.htm           Obama: Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers      February 4, 2009
eo13496.htm           Obama: Notification of Employee Rights           February 4, 2009
eo13497.htm           Obama: Revocation of Executive Orders on Regs    February 4, 2009
pd2009-15.htm         Obama: Gaza Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs   February 4, 2009

spy-overview.pdf      US Spying Overview for Congress 2009             February 3, 2009            Army Intelligence Information Services FOUO      February 3, 2009 (7.5MB)
prez-families.htm     Obama Orders Task Force on Working Families      February 2, 2009
prez-regs.htm         Obama Orders Regulatory Review                   February 2, 2009
dod020209.htm         Dissident Law Schools on DoD Shit List           February 1, 2009

O f f s i t e 

Kafka                 Extorting Government Revenue                     February 26, 2009
PAP                   Video: Police Amok at Protests                   February 26, 2009

Wankfest              CIA Spymaster: Family Murder Drones Are Hot Porn February 26, 2009
FM3-36                Army Publishes Electronic Warfare Manual         February 26, 2009
CAP                   Treasury Capital Assistance Program              February 25, 2009
PSD-1                 Obama Orders HomeSec CT Study                    February 25, 2009
Cesium-137            Calculating the cost of dirty bombs              February 25, 2009

IW Inc                Irregular Warfare Business Opportunities         February 25, 2009
SPYWOT                Spies, Lies and the War on Terror                February 24, 2009
NSA Tales             NSA Publishes Four Oral Histories                February 24, 2009
Spy Comic             UK Ex-Spymaster Warns of Police State            February 18, 2009
FBL                   Finding Bin Laden, Wildass Killing with Drones   February 18, 2009

NSA Patent            Removing Signal Noise and Interference           February 17, 2009
LSEC                  Codebreakers and Engimas                         February 17, 2009
WHWA                  Well Here We Are - the End of Planet Finance     February 16, 2009
Hang Judges           Youths Jailed for Judge Kickbacks by Prisons     February 13, 2009
Doc Lib               Court Documents Being Liberated from PACER       February 13, 2009

Join Us               Apply for Job with Obama Admin                   February 13, 2009
Just Us               Why War Lovers Love Censorship                   February 13, 2009
Ear Skype             NSA Offers Billions to Spy Skype                 February 13, 2009
Who Kill              Anna Lindh Assassination                         February 13, 2009
WFWC                  Wanted for War Crimes                            February 12, 2009

BigNum                KBR Fined $579M for Nigerian Bribery             February 11, 2009
SAW                   Spin A War                                       February 11, 2009
SAT                   Spin A Terror-war                                February 11, 2009
OTA 2                 Re-open Congress Office of Technology Assessment February 11, 2009
FinStab               Financial Stability Dot Gov                      February 11, 2009

Spy Pod               Super Trackstick GPS Data Logger                 February 8, 2009
CRS Lib               Wikileaks Relases 6,780 CRS Reports              February 8, 2009
Beans                 Predator State Sec: Make Ricin in the Bathtub    February 5, 2009
Black Ops             Negro Union Spies During the US Civil War        February 5, 2009
NGTA                  National Gang Threat Assessment 2009             February 5, 2009

Nimitz                Homeporting 3 Carriers at North Island CA        February 5, 2009 (16MB)
Bowwow                Obama Barks at Greedy Executives                 February 4, 2009
hr553                 Reducing Over-classification Act of 2009         February 4, 2009
NSA TV                National Cryptologic School Television Catalog   February 4, 2009
Biorot                Predator State Security Bioterror Fear           February 1, 2009

JANUARY 2009   Spying Ecoterrorism FOUO                         January 31, 2009 (6.3MB)

spy-whites.pdf        Spying White Supremacists FOUO                   January 31, 2009
spy-taliban.pdf       Spying Al Qaida Info Ops                         January 31, 2009
dodi-3020-47.pdf      Participation in the National Exercise Program   January 31, 2009
usa-v-nicholson.htm   USA v. Ex-CIA Harold Nicholson and Son           January 30, 2009
sniper-culture.htm    Sniper Culture Presidential Threat               January 30, 2009     Nuclear Detonation Planning Guide                January 30, 2009      Spying Cloned Vehicles FOUO                      January 30, 2009 (2.1MB)
spy-protests-04.pdf   Spying Earth Liberation Front FOUO               January 30, 2009
spy-protests-03.pdf   Spying RNC Convention Protests FOUO              January 30, 2009  Navy Physical Security and Law Enforcement       January 29, 2009 (2.3MB)

hts-nasty.htm         Nasty Story: HTS Meets the Bowman Expeditions    January 29, 2009
rl33616.pdf           CRS: Homeland Security Spying                    January 29, 2009            CRS: Detection of Nuclear Weapons and Materials  January 29, 2009 (2.1MB)   Tacoma Police Spying on Anti-War Protest         January 29, 2009 (3.5MB)
spy-protests-02.pdf   Activists and Extremists Action Calendar FOUO    January 29, 2009

frs012909-4.htm       Federal Reserve on Deceptive Practices           January 29, 2009
frs012909-3.htm       Federal Reserve on Truth in Savings              January 29, 2009
frs012909-2.htm       Federal Reserve on Electronic Funds Transfer     January 29, 2009
frs012909.htm         Federal Reserve on Truth in Lending              January 29, 2009
fhfa012909.htm        FHFA on Golden Parachute Payments                January 29, 2009

fcc012909.htm         FCC on Marine Vessel Spying Technology           January 29, 2009
icpg-101-1.pdf        Spying Community Directives and Policy           January 28, 2009
icpg-101-2.pdf        Spying Community Standards                       January 28, 2009
icd-101.pdf           Spying Community Policy System                   January 28, 2009           Global Maritime and Air Spying Integration       January 28, 2009 (3.6MB)

kugelblitz.pdf        Kugelblitz Electromagnetic Incendiaries          January 28, 2009 (1.5MB)
sec-v-madoff.htm      SEC-USA-Repex v. Madoff Court Filings Update     January 27, 2008
ussc012709.htm        RFC Sentencing Guidelines for ID Theft et al     January 26, 2009
mi-websites.htm       US Military Intelligence Classified Websites     January 25, 2008
icd-501.pdf           Discovery Dissemination Retrieval of Spy Info    January 24, 2009

poor-pollard.htm      Poor Jonathan Pollard and Dubai Ponzi            January 24, 2009
dodd-1404-10.pdf      DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce             January 24, 2009
dodi-3115-11.pdf      DoD Intel Human Capital Management Operations    January 24, 2009
DTM-09-002.pdf        Use of Government Aircraft                       January 24, 2009
prez-abortion.htm     Obama Order on Abortion Foreign Aid              January 24, 2009

doa012609.htm         Army Offers Laser Energy Delivery to the Retina  January 23, 2009
rahm-regs.htm         Rahm Emanuel Memo on Regulatory Review           January 23, 2009
doe012309.htm         DoE to Assess ASHRAE Energy Efficiency Standard  January 23, 2009
nnsa012309.htm        NNSA Decision on Foreign Spent Nuclear Fuel      January 23, 2009
bis012309.htm         Emerging Technology and Research Panel Meet      January 23, 2009

prez-open.htm         Obama Memo on Open Government                    January 23, 2009
prez-freeze.htm       Obama Memo on White House Staff Pay Freeze       January 23, 2009
prez-almarri.htm      Obama Memo on Detainee Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri January 23, 2009
prez-gitmo.htm        Obama Order on Gitmo Closure                     January 22, 2009
prez-detention.htm    Obama Order on Detention Policy                  January 22, 2009

prez-interrogate.htm  Obama Order on Lawful Interrogations             January 22, 2009
prez-ethics.htm       Obama Order on Executive Branch Ethics           January 21, 2009
prez-records.htm      Obama Order on Presidential Records              January 21, 2009
prez-foia.htm         Obama Orders FOIA Obedience                      January 21, 2009
cia-yawn.htm          CIA Director CYA: Torture Is a Yawn              January 21, 2009

dc-09-0120.htm        Satellite Image of DC at Obama Inauguration      January 21, 2009
inaug-sec-04.htm      Obama Inauguration Security 20 January 2009      January 21, 2009
treas012109.htm       TARP Conflicts of Interest                       January 21, 2009
hhs012109.htm         Healthcare InfoTech Interoperability Specs       January 21, 2009
omb012109.htm         OMB Designated Federal Entities                  January 21, 2009

dvd012109.htm         DVD Copy Control Org in Death Throes             January 21, 2009
inaug-sec-03.htm      Obama Inauguration Security 19 January 2009      January 20, 2009
dni-cbs-24.pdf        Asinine DNI-CBS Invoke 24 for Cyber Threat       January 19, 2009
dhs072303.pdf (ok)    Terrorist Use of Official Identification         January 19, 2009

inaug-sec-02.htm      Obama Inauguration Security 18 January 2009      January 19, 2009     Bloomberg News Denied FOIA of FRB Bailout Truth  January 18, 2009 (65pp, 2MB)
lift-1549.htm         Lifting Flight 1549 from the Hudson Eyeball      January 17, 2009
dodi-3115-08.pdf      DoD Spying on Foreigners Outside US for LEAs     January 17, 2009
dodd-5134-08.pdf      ASD for Megadeath Programs                       January 17, 2009

dodi-6055-17.pdf      DoD Installation Emergency Management Program    January 17, 2009
dodd-5111-13.pdf      ASD for Homeland Defense and Americas' Security  January 17, 2009
dodd-5111-10.pdf      ASD for Special Ops and Low-Intensity Conflict   January 17, 2009
dodd-1322-18.pdf      Military Training                                January 17, 2009    Super Bowl XLIII Threat Assessment FOUO          January 16, 2009 (4.6MB)

dc-sec-08-0116.pdf    Washington DC Threat Assessment 08-0116 FOUO     January 16, 2008    Inauguration Security Assessment 2008 FOUO       January 16, 2009 (3MB)
dc-sec-08-0114.pdf    Washington DC Threat Assessment 08-0114 FOUO     January 16, 2008
dos011609.htm         State Dept Bars Nuke WMD Gang Way Too Late       January 16, 2009
uscg011609.htm        Coast Guard to Bar Venezuelan Ships to US        January 16, 2009

bop011609.htm         Fed Prisons to Bar Religious Empowerment Books   January 16, 2009
dhs011609.htm         National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility EIS       January 16, 2009
dod011609.htm         National Security Personnel System               January 16, 2009
nrc011609.htm         Radiation Materials and Equipment Manual         January 16, 2009
doe011609.htm         National Nuclear Waste Transportation Plan       January 16, 2009

dod011509.htm         Law of War for Defense Contractors               January 16, 2009
bis011509.htm         Export License for Iran WMD Proliferators        January 16, 2009
sec-v-madoff.htm      SEC-USA-Repex v. Madoff Court Filings Update     January 14, 2008
hts-hamas-it.htm      Hamas IT Tops Human Terrain System IT            January 14, 2009            Human Terrain System Info G3 Briefing FGUO       January 14, 2008 (2.2MB)

gaza-kill13.htm       Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 13                     January 14, 2009
eo13486.htm           Prez Orders Better Laboratory Biosecurity        January 14, 2009
hsstac011409.htm      HomeSec Sci-Tech Panel Secret Meet               January 14, 2009
atf011409.htm         ATF Unleashes Hobby Rocket Propellants           January 14, 2009
istac011409.htm       InfoSys Panel Semi-Secret Meet                   January 14, 2009

demystifying-li.htm   Demystifying Lawful Interception and CALEA       January 14, 2009
li-biz-mania.htm      Lawful Interception Business Mania               January 14, 2009
treas011309.htm       US Debt Insane Asylum Secret Meet                January 13, 2009
nrc011309.htm         Sci-Fi Hypervelocity DU Gun Facility             January 13, 2009
fac011309.htm         US Enemies List of Ships Ready for Piracy        January 13, 2009

phmsa011309.htm       Safety of Railroad Tank Car Hazmat No Way        January 13, 2009
fra011309.htm         Safety of Railroad Bridges No Way                January 13, 2009
hsinac011309.htm      HomeSec Info Network Panel Meet Wiggle           January 13, 2009
gaza-kill12.htm       Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 12                     January 12, 2009
faa011209.htm         FAA Ups Flight Crew Training to Reduce Accidents January 12, 2009 (1MB)

pp8335.htm            Marianas Trench Marine National Monument         January 12, 2009
pp8336.htm            Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument  January 12, 2009
pp8337.htm            Rose Atoll Marine National Monument              January 12, 2009
559SERTeam.pdf        DoD Smallpox Epidemiological Response Teams      January 10, 2009
gaza-kill11.htm       Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 11                     January 10, 2009

uk-spy-teach.htm      Teaching Intelligence Analysts in the UK         January 10, 2009
NI_8900_4R5.pdf       NGA Instruction for Intelligence Oversight       January 10, 2009
dodi-3020-26.pdf      Department of Defense Continuity Programs        January 10, 2009
dodi-4650-01.pdf      Management-Use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum   January 10, 2009
dodi-5000-24.pdf      Pentagon Executive Dining Facilities             January 10, 2009

dodi-5132-13.pdf      Staffing of Security Cooperation Organizations   January 10, 2009
dodi-5230-29.pdf      Security-Policy of DoD Info for Public Release   January 10, 2009
dodd-5111-03.pdf      Principal Deputy Under Sec of Defense for Policy January 10, 2009        Craig Murray: The Catholic Orangemen of Togo     January 9, 2009 (226pp, 1MB)
mcc010909.htm         US Foreign Bribery Quarterly Report              January 9, 2009

gaza-kill10.htm       Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 10                     January 9, 2009
atsdr010909.htm       Acrolein and Barium Named Priority Hazards       January 9, 2009       Review of the DoD Megakill Mission               January 8, 2009 (108pp, 906KB)
gaza-kill9.htm        Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 9                      January 7, 2009
genuine-arms.htm      Genuine Arms Dealer Mike Desmane                 January 7, 2009

usa-v-blagojevich.htm USA v. Blagojevich et al Court Filings Update    January 7, 2009
faa010709.htm         FAA Warning on Airbus Nose Wheel                 January 7, 2009
fha010709.htm         DC Highways Closed for Obama Riot                January 7, 2009
pp8334.htm            US-Israel Pork Gift                              January 7, 2009
ita010709.htm         US-Iraq Pork Graft                               January 7, 2009

dbb010709.htm         War Pork Tele-Schmooze                           January 7, 2009
hsinac010709.htm      HomeSec Info Network Panel Meet                  January 7, 2009
gaza-kill8.htm        Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 8                      January 6, 2009
bis010609.htm         RFC Foreign Encryption Items Made from US Tech   January 6, 2009
mint010609.htm        New Pricing for Platinum and Gold Numismatics    January 6, 2009

gaza-kill7.htm        Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 7                      January 5, 2009
bis010509.htm         RFC on Effects of Export Controls                January 5, 2009
dos010509.htm         State War Lovers Secret Meet                     January 5, 2009
gaza-kill6.htm        Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 6                      January 4, 2009
gaza-kill5.htm        Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 5                      January 4, 2009

gaza-kill4.htm        Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 4                      January 3, 2009
gaza-kill3.htm        Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 3                      January 3, 2009
dodi-5160-68.pdf      Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition       January 3, 2009
dodi-7230-08.pdf      Leases and Demonstrations of DoD Equipment       January 3, 2009
toxic-warfare.pdf     AEC Toxic Warfare Patent                         January 2, 2009

sec010209.htm         Exchange Act Exemptions for Credit Default Swaps January 2, 2009
don010209.htm         Navy Swimmer Interdiction Security System EIS    January 2, 2009
mcc010209.htm         US Foreign Bribery Candidate Countries for 2009  January 2, 2009
aphis010209.htm       Avian Flu H5N1 Status of Germany and Poland      January 2, 2009
uscourts2008.pdf      US Chief Justice Robert's 2008 Year-End Report   January 1, 2009

O f f s i t e 
Gangs09               FBI: National Gang Threat Assessment 2009        January 30, 2009
COMINT Bd             NSA Releases Top Secret Ultra COMINT Board Docs  January 30, 2009
Crypto Hist           NSA Releases Cryptologic Histories               January 30, 2009

BAPT                  Books Are People Too                             January 30, 2009
SpySoc                Surveillance and Society Journal                 January 30, 2009
GAO-09-296            GAO: TARP Transparency and Accountability Lack   January 30, 2009
GAO-09-195            GAO: Risks to Bank Secrecy Act Data              January 30, 2009
New Poor              New Poverty Guidelines for Bankruptcy Court      January 30, 2009

Statecraft            US Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency 1940-90   January 30, 2009
NSY                   Holocaust Memorial Day at New Scotland Yard      January 29, 2009
WH Tube               EFF: White House Protect Privacy of YouTubers    January 28, 2009
COIN                  Wikileaks Releases Counterinsurgency Documents   January 28, 2009
Bitcoin 1             Bitcoin                                          January 27, 2009

Bitcoin 2             Bitcoin Mail List                                January 27, 2009
Find                  FBI Sonar Finds Aircraft Engine on River Bottom  January 25, 2009
Wink                  CIA Director on New Interrogation Policy         January 22, 2009
Mobsters              Rogue Agents: Cercle Pinay Complex 1951-91       January 22, 2009
ERIGI                 Dáil Éireann Remembered with Parliament Breach   January 20, 2009

UKMFTS                Secret HQ for MoD Flying Training System         January 19, 2009
Preds                 Predator State Security in Action                January 19, 2009
BNP TV                The Muslim march the BBC didn’t let you see      January 19, 2009
TMH                   FBI Roundup DoJ Polygraph Memo                   January 18, 2009
See This              Coast Guard video of USA 1549 landing/rescue     January 17, 2009

WMD                   WMD Deskbook                                     January 16, 2009
Gotcha                NSA Polygraph Experience                         January 11, 2009
Tracert               Visual Trace of Internet Hops                    January 11, 2009
Greed                 Predator State Security                          January 9, 2009
Spy 2                 UK e-mail law attack on rights                   January 9, 2009

Spy 1                 Spying Obama                                     January 9, 2009 
WP 2                  White Phosphorus Burns Gaza 2                    January 6, 2009
WP 1                  White Phosphorus Burns Gaza 1                    January 5, 2009
Splat                 Casualty Areas from Impacting Airborne Debris    January 5, 2009
Fizz                  Critique of Toxic Warfare Patent                 January 3, 2009

A-Patents             The Secret Patents on the Atomic Bomb            January 2, 2009
Snoozers              NRC Report on Sleeping Nuclear Guards            January 2, 2009
QC                    Queens Counsels Accused of Racism                January 2, 2008
CT Galore             Counterterrorism Calendar 2009                   January 2, 2009
ABL                   Al and Ben Laurie Data Bunker Balloons           January 1, 2009